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《布莱克法律大辞典》(Black‘s Law Dictionary)第十二版将于2024年5月出版
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《布莱克法律大辞典》(Blacks Law Dictionary)第十二版将于20245月出版,希望各位用户协助大力推广。若需要相关出版信息,我们也将很快提供。

我们还有以下产品, 也能满足法律专业人士对英文法律信息的需求。


1.普通法图书馆 Common Law Library 13




2.《奥斯本简明法律词典》(Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary)

GBP14.95      12th Edition


ISBN:  9780414023208

Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell



Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary


3.《斯特劳德司法词典》(Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases

GBP 704        11th Edition

ISBN:  9780414114739

Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell

Publication Date:  23 Jun 2023



Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases


4.《苏格兰现代司法词典》(Scottish Contemporary Judicial Dictionary

GBP 117

ISBN:  9780414010086

Published by:  W. Green

Publication Date:  16 Nov 1995




5.《约维特英国法律词典》(Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law

GBP570   6th Edition

ISBN:  9780414117105

Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell                                                                                 

Publication Date:  19 Dec 2023


Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law

6.《单词和短语》(Words and Phrase

USD 10,580

Publisher Thomson West

Service Number22024007



Words and Phrases®

7.《律师图解医学词典》(Attorney’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary

USD 1,214

ISBN: 9781731901408

Publisher Thomson West

Copyright 1997-2023


Attorney's Illustrated Medical Dictionary

8.《布莱克法律大辞典》(Black's Law Dictionary, 11

USD 84.95

Authors: Bryan A. Garner       ISBN: 9781539229759       Pages: 2110

Copyright: 2019 20245月将出版第12版)


Black's Law Dictionary, 11th



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             1Westlaw Classic (美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国和香港地区)http://www.westlawinternational.com/,参加DRAA集团采购十余年,国内高校客户百余家。

             2Westlaw Asia (印度、马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾,新西兰,东盟, 以及英国和香港地区等)https://login.westlawasia.com/maf/wlasia/app/authentication/formLogin

             3Westlaw Edge UK  (英国和欧盟)http://www.westlaw.co.uk/       除包含UKEU法律、法规和判例外, 还包含脱欧后的法律变化和新老法律比较,以及通过Westlaw Edge UK 订阅的316种权威法律书籍数据库版,请详见附件图书目录。

             4Westlaw Australia (澳大利亚):http://www.westlaw.com.au/, 通过Westlaw Australia 还可订阅40多种权威法律期刊数据库版,请详见附件期刊目录。

             5、 Westlaw Japan 日文日本法: https://www.westlawjapan.com/

             6、 LAWnB 韩文韩国法:http://www.lawnb.com/

             Westlaw MENA 英文中东和北非地区阿拉伯法(阿联酋、伊拉克、卡塔尔以及其他16国核心商法):http://login-middleeast.westlaw.com/http://www.lexgulf.com/home/     

二、法律实务库(Practical Law https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/  核心法域包括英国、欧盟、美国、中国、加拿大、澳大利亚、欧盟主要国家和香港地区, 以及其他130多个国家和地区。主要内容包括:

(一)  实务指南Practice notes

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(三)  实务清单和流程图Checklists

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       1. 实务核心课程(商法、民诉、刑诉、财产、遗嘱)

               1)商法 Business Law

                                i)商法关键资源 Key Resources

                                                       商业种类  Types of business     

                                                       合伙经营  Partnerships   

                            成立公司 Setting up a company



                            董事和高级职员 Directors and officers

                            公司决策Company decision-making

                            股权融资和股本金   Equity finance and share capital

                            债务融资和担保Debt finance and taking security



                            破产 Insolvency

                            合资企业Joint ventures                       


                            公司会计Company accounts

                       ii)商法实务教程Practitioner Books (6 )

                      iii)商法教材 Textbooks4种)

                      iv)商法外部资源 External resources





   2)民事诉讼法Civil litigation

                        (i) 民事诉讼法关键资源 Key Resource

             民事诉讼和诉讼前导论 Introduction to civil litigation and pre-action        

             开始诉讼程序Commencing proceedings

             案情陈述Statements of case

            个案管理Case management



            简易判决Summary judgment

            审理 Trial

           上诉/强制执行Appeals/ enforcement

            强制令 Injunctions

            争端解决和仲裁 ADR and arbitration

            管辖权和跨境Jurisdiction and cross-border

                       (ii)民事诉讼法实务教程Practitioner Books (8 )      

                     iii民事诉讼法教材 Textbooks2种)

                       (iv) 事诉讼法外部资源 External resources




3)刑事诉讼法 Criminal Litigation

(i)             刑事诉讼法关键资源 Key Resources

        刑事诉讼导论 Introduction to criminal procedure

        警察权力Police powers

        在警察局 At the police station

        治安法庭The Magistrates’ Court

        刑事法庭The Crown Court 




(ii)            刑事诉讼法实务教程Practitioner Books (8 )   

                            (iii)    刑事诉讼法教材 Textbooks2种)

                           iv) 刑事诉讼外部资源 External resources













4)财产法 Property

             (i)        财产法关键资源 Key Resources

                                             所有权调查 Investigation of title

                                             合同 The contract

                                             竣工及以后Completion and beyond

                                             房地产开发Property development


                                             授予商业租赁Granting commercial leases

                                             处理租赁Dealing with leases

                                             税收和财产Taxation and property

               (ii) 财产法实务教程Practitioner Books (2 )             

               (iii) 财产法教材 Textbooks6种)

             iv)财产法外部资源 External resources



5遗嘱法 Wills &probate

                  i)遗嘱法关键资源 Key Resources

                                     起草遗嘱Drafting wills

                                     执行和修改遗嘱Executing and amending wills

                                    管理遗产Administering an estate

                  ii)遗嘱法实务教程Practitioner Books (11 )           

(iii)             遗嘱法教材 Textbooks(4种)

(iv)           遗嘱法外部资源 External resources

  • 立法和判例






  • 英国政法部门










  • 国际组织







  • 专业团体








2.  实务选修课程商业、商业诉讼、商业地产、竞争、雇佣、金融、知识产权、国际贸易、金融、并购、上市公司和股权资本市场、人身伤害和临床疏忽、媒体与娱乐、家庭、私人客户

1)商业诉讼Commercial litigation

                    国际争端解决  International dispute resolution

                    起草案件陈述Drafting statements of case

                    监管程序中的披露Disclosure in regulatory proceedings

                    搜查令Search orders

                    商事法庭和专家证据Commercial court and expert evidence            

                    行政法院和司法审查Administrative court and judicial review



                      企业贷款Corporate lending


                       债务融资Debt finance

                       债券和债务资本市场Bonds and debt capital markets

                       采取安全措施Taking security


3) 知识产权法Intellectual property


                       数据库权限Database rights

                       设计权Design rights

                       商标和假冒Trade marks and passing off



                       信息技术 IT


                       信息自由Freedom of information

4)国际贸易International trade

                                管辖权的选择  Choice of jurisdiction 

                                国际货物买卖合同International sale of goods

                                国际争议解决International dispute resolution

5)媒体与娱乐Media & entertainment


                                    版权和表演者权利的利用Exploitation of copyright & performers rights

                                    音乐产业Music industry

                                    电影电视Film & television



                                    媒体自律、声誉管理和内容净化Media self-regulation, reputation management and content clearance

                                    藐视法庭和举报限制 Contempt of court and reporting restrictions  


                                   体育和赞助Sport and sponsorship           

6)兼并与收购Mergers & acquisitions

                           收购简介 Introduction to acquisitions

                           尽职调查Due diligence

                           买卖协议Sale and purchase agreement

                           保修、赔偿和披露Warranties, indemnities and disclosure

                           资产收购Asset acquisition

                            股份收购Share acquisitions

                            私募股权收购Private equity acquisitions

                            集团重组Group reorganisations 

7)人身伤害和临床疏忽Personal injury & clinical negligence


                             资金和程序Funding and procedure



8)私人客户Private client

                                 遗嘱:起草、执行和修改遗嘱 Wills: drafting, executing and amending wills

                                 管理遗产Administering an estate

                                 死后:死后改变After death: post-death alterations

                                 信托:创建和终止信托Trusts: creating and ending a trust

                                 信托:受托人Trusts: trustees

                                 信托:信托的税收Trusts: taxation of trusts

                                土地的共有权和信托Co-ownership and trusts of land

                                 终身税务规划 Lifetime tax planning

                                个人国际税收Taxation of international individuals

                                其他司法管辖区的法律Law of other jurisdictions

                                有争议的私人客Contentious private client


9)上市公司和股权资本市场Public companies & equity capital markets

                                            首次公开募股 IPOs

                                             二次股票发行Secondary share issues

                                             持续义务 Continuing obligations

                                             股票交易Share dealings


                                             创业板 AIM

                                             金融监管Financial regulation

3. 就业能力培养 Skills

(1)      法律体系 Legal system

(2)      写作技巧 Writing skills

(3)      辩护和讲演技巧 Advocacy and speaking skills

(4)      商业和商业技能   Commercial and business skills 

(5)      法律检索 Legal research

(6)      专业发展 Professional development

(7)      项目管理 Project management

(8)      技术 Technology

(9)      谈判技巧 Negotiation skill

(10)   个人发展 Negotiation skill

(11)   团队合作 Teamwork

(12)   音频和视频资源 (20余个实务领域)audio and video resources 20  practice areas

                                  精选视频 Featured videos

(i)     技术与不断变化的法律服务市场(播放列表)Technology and the changing legal services market (playlist)

(ii)   人工智能将无法对法律职业产生根本影响 AI will fail to have a radical impact on the legal profession

(iii)  法律辩论系列:我们应该限制罢工权还是CEO薪酬?Legal debate series: should we limit strike rights or CEO pay?

(iv)  前瞻性思考:来自法律行业创新者、颠覆者和先驱的对话、想法、意见和辩论(播放列表)Forward thinking: conversation, ideas, opinion and debate from the innovators, disrupters and pioneers of the legal industry (playlist)

4. 从事法律实务工作 Working in law

                                                   (1)  面试和申请技巧 Tips for interviews and applications

                                                   (2) 律师的关键技能  Key skills for lawyers

                                                   (3) 为有抱负的出庭律师提供建议 Advice for aspiring barristers

                                                   (4) 发展你的职业生涯 Developing your career

                                                   (5) 想从事什么实务领域?新手资源Whats it like to practise?     

5. 商业意识   Commercial awareness

                                            (1)  什么是商业意识?What is commercial awareness?

                                            (2) 作为商业的法律 Law as a business

                                            (3)影响业务的技术发展 Technological developments impacting business

                                            (4)影响法律服务的技术发展 Technological developments impacting legal services

                                            (5)  政治背景 Political context 

                                            (6) 外部资源






                                                            6) https://www.chambersstudent.co.uk/

  1. https://www.lawcareers.net/
  2. https://www.allaboutlaw.co.uk/


三、国际税务和会计数据库  Checkpoint World   https://www.checkpointworld.com/maf/app/global/about

  1. 全球100多个法域税务法律和法规
  2. 全球税务规划      Orbitax软件提供国际税务决策支持和分析工具
  3. 转让定价
  4. 税务、审计和会计图书和期刊
  5. OECD 官方授权内容


  1. 美国West     https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/law-products/
  2. 美国West Academic  https://www.westacademic.com/
  3. 美国  RIA  https://store.tax.thomsonreuters.com/accounting/Brand/RIA/c/3600               
  4. 英国 Sweet and Maxwell     http://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Catalogue/
  5. 加拿大 Carswell      https://store.thomsonreuters.ca
  6. 澳大利亚 Thomson Reuters     https://legal.thomsonreuters.com.au/
  7. 新西兰 Lawbook Co.   https://www.thomsonreuters.co.nz/
  8. 香港地区Sweet and Maxwell Asia    http://www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk/
  9. Proview 亚洲电子书     http://www.sweetandmaxwellasia.com/proview/  

1.普通法图书馆 Common Law Library 13




2.《奥斯本简明法律词典》(Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary)

GBP14.95      12th Edition


ISBN:  9780414023208

Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell



Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary


3.《斯特劳德司法词典》(Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases

GBP 704        11th Edition

ISBN:  9780414114739

Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell

Publication Date:  23 Jun 2023



Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases


4.《苏格兰现代司法词典》(Scottish Contemporary Judicial Dictionary

GBP 117

ISBN:  9780414010086

Published by:  W. Green

Publication Date:  16 Nov 1995




5.《约维特英国法律词典》(Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law

GBP570   6th Edition

ISBN:  9780414117105

Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell                                                                                 

Publication Date:  19 Dec 2023


Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law

6.《单词和短语》(Words and Phrase

USD 10,580

Publisher Thomson West

Service Number22024007



Words and Phrases®

7.《律师图解医学词典》(Attorney’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary

USD 1,214

ISBN: 9781731901408

Publisher Thomson West

Copyright 1997-2023


Attorney's Illustrated Medical Dictionary

8.《布莱克法律大辞典》(Black's Law Dictionary, 11

USD 84.95

Authors: Bryan A. Garner       ISBN: 9781539229759       Pages: 2110

Copyright: 2019 20245月将出版第12版)


Black's Law Dictionary, 11th


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